Wednesday, November 12, 2008


Nowadays creating a blog is very easy through the template provide by the web hosting sites. During the process I creating my weblog just need to click to sign in and fill out my e-mail address and password. In addition just choose the template.

Standpoint are adopting as a blogger:

  • Frame of reference comes from various sources which interact during document design that is personal knowledge, values, cultural knowledge about how sign, and knowledge of the topic what to write and visualizing.(Schriver 1997)
  • Multimodality which encourages interactivity and engage readers with the organization itself. In addition multimodality is mean different mode work as different function to reach their purpose for their readers. (Walsh 2006)
  • Audience, Purpose and Context should also be made as priority as good document design not only attracts readers but also engage and encourage readers to be involved with the organization itself. (Walsh 2006)


    Schriver, K. A, 1997, Chapter 6: The interplay of words and pictures, Dynamics in document design : creating texts for readers, Wiley Computer Pub, New York, pp. 361-441

    Walsh, M 2006, ‘Textual shift: Examining the reading process with print, visual and multimodal texts,’ Australian journal of language and literacy, vol. 29, no. 1, pp. 24-37.
J.K. Rowling Wins Copyright Claim

J.K. Rowling is an author of “Harry Potter”. The ‘Harry Potter’ series is talking about a young boy who discovers that he is from a wizarding world and attends Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry.

She has made a fortune estimated at more than $A1 billion from the six Harry Potter books to date, revealed on Monday that she had rewritten the final chapter, originally drafted in 1990 when she was an unemployed single mother. (Theage 2007)

International Herald Tribune (2007, shows that the seventh and final volume in the Harry Potter series has become the fastest-selling book in history.


J.K. Rowling sued Michigan-based RDR Books last year to stop publication of the book claiming copyright infringement. She argued the Lexicon that “merely compiles and repackages Ms. Rowling’s fictional facts derived wholesale from the Harry Potter works without adding any new creativity, commentary, insight or criticism.” (Rich 2008) She claimed that nothing more rearrangement of her own material and that amounted to plagiarism. (Cbsnews 2008)

However RDR’s lawyer had depended that the lexicon as a reference guide and calling a legitimate effort. Vander Ark who runs the popular Harry Potter Lexicon Wed site said that was decide that the lexicon would include section that given descriptions and commentary on individual names, places, spells and creatures from Harry Potter stories to Lexicon Web site. (Cbsnews 2008)

In this case, Judge says “Harry Potter” author J. K. Rowling has won her claim that fan violated her copyright with his plans to publish a ‘Potter encyclopedia’. (Cbsnews 2008)


According to Reep (2006, p.41), copyright ‘is the legal protection fro the creators of original works …’ She asserted that infringement of copyright occurs when someone utilise the original works of a creator for their own interest and benefit without ‘getting permission …’. (Reep 2006, p.41)

“Copyright is infringed by any person who does, or causes any other to do, without the license of the owner of the copyright, an act the doing of which is controlled by copyright under this Act”. (Legal Research Board 2006)

In this case, I’m thinking that we should respect other people work and not plagiarism.


International Herald Tribune 2007, ‘Harry Potter’ tale is fastest-selling book in history, viewed 2 November 2008, <>

Cbsnews 2008, “Harry Potter” Author Wins Copyright Claim, viewed 2 November 2008,
Reep, DC 2006, Technical Writing: Principles, Strategies, and Readings, 6th edn, Pearson Education, USA.

Legal Research Board 2006, Copyright Act 1987(Act 332) & Regulation & Orders, International Law Book Services, Malaysia.
Makkal Osai suspended

Makka Osai, the Tamil daily language newspaper owned by former MIC deputy president S. Subramaniam. (Anonymous 2008) The Publication permit of Tamil daily has been suspended for one month from yesterday.

Religion is a famously sensitive in Malaysia. In this case because of the Tamil daily newspaper publish a picture of Jesus Christ holding a cigarette in one hand and a can of beer in the other on its front-page. The photo had a caption quoting Christ as saying: “If a person represents his mistakes, heaven awaits him”. (The Star 2008)

A day after the publication of the offending picture, Makkal Osai apologized for the oversight, with its general manager S.M. Periasamy saying the picture was mistakenly inserted by a graphic artist. In addition explain that the graphic editor had mistakenly from the Internet. (Kent 2008)

The Ministry said in a statement that is Makkal Osai has contravened a permit condition under subsection 6(1) of the Printing Presses and Publication Act 1984. The action against Makkal Osai is to ensure that newspaper did not publish articles or pictures which could threaten public security, harmony and morality. (The Star 2008)

Beside that, Minister in the Prime Minister’s Department Datuk Dr Maximus Ongkili supported the action and saying that stern action must be taken against those flouted the law and mocked other religions. (The Star 2008)

I think that publisher should avoid publish something that relating to religion because it will create unhappy feeling towards the religion especially publish this kind of picture.

Printing Presses and Publication Act 1984

Section 6(1) Grant of permit
The minster may in his absolute discretion grant-
(a) To any person a permit to print and publish a newspaper in Malaysia
(b) … (Legal Research Board 2005)


Indian Malaysia online 2008, Makkal Osai in deep trouble for publishing jesus christ caricature, viewed 4 October 2008, <>

The Star 2008, Makkal Osai suspended, viewed 4 October 2008, <>

BBC News 2008, Anger at Malaysia ‘Jesus cartoon’, viewed 4 October 2008, <>

Legal Research Board, Printing Presses And Publication Act 1984 (Act 301) and rules &Deposit Of Library Material Act 1986 (Act 331), International Law Book Services, Malaysia.
The power of photograph

Photographer is the only use the camera to capture everything in the live includes bad and good. Photographer was the one in the frontline when in war; he was the one felt, smelt and touched the story. ( 2008) The photograph was capture in full emotion of the photographer.

Reader can read the photograph because the photograph can tell a story. For example, the photograph below is telling reader that the child is almost die cause no food to eat and the vulture in behind of the child is wait the child die and become its food. This photograph is stock whole world.

(Source: Kevin Carter)
The photograph is more impressive than words. ( 2008) In those photograph below, when look into the eyes of the children can feel that they’re very terrified and very afraid.


In newspaper may not see those photograph because of editors select what they want public see. When turn to photograph is cover conflict, it telling the world about violence, war and injustice in many place. ( 2008)
(Source: Oded Balilty)

The photograph above is a lone Jewish woman defying Israeli security forces as they remove illegal settlers in the West Bank. (World’s famous photo 2007) Photograph is to tell the truth story happening in the corner of the world and to make people more aware of these conflicts.

The model of Hypodermic needle model holds that an intended message is directly received and wholly accepted by the receiver. (Wikipedia 2008) This model is absolute fit to photograph.

The power of photograph is very strong. It is communication tool to communicate with people for telling the true story. The photograph has impact on people.

References: 2008, The power of the photograph, viewed 5 October 2008, <>

World’s famous photo 2007, The power of one [2007], viewed 5 October 2008,

Wikipedia 2008, Hypodermic needle model, viewed 5 October 2008, <>

Publishing Issues

Indonesian weekly apologizes over Last Supper Suharto cover


The 4th-10th February edition of Tempo magazine carried on its front cover picture, for a story titled “Setelah Dia Pergi”, “After He’s Gone”, showing former president Soeharto having dinner with his six children.(Patung 2008)

This cover picture is similarity with the Leonardo da Vinci’s masterpiece “The Last Supper” some Christians, particularly Catholics, felt that Tempo was suggesting that Soeharto was in some way similar to Jesus Christ, and a storm erupted. (Patung 2008)


The Indonesian’s top news weeklies has apologized about the cover of its latest issue, which depicts former president Suharto and his children in a composition mimicking Leonardo da Vinci’s Last Supper. In addition, they said that have no intention of hurting Christians. ( 2008)

In this case, editor must have and understand the knowledge about other culture background and other religion to avoid this kind of happen and make sure it wouldn’t happen again.

Schriver explain the problem in designing instructional graphics that must bridge cultural boundaries that cross-cultural document design supports both the idea that graphics are not always obvious and that the order in which people read matters. In addition, Schriver explain that insight into the knowledge, belief, and concerns of their audience and used what they learned to select symbols that were meaningful for their intended audiences. (Schriver 1997)


Indonesiamatters 2008, The Last Supper, viewed 4 November 2008, <> 2008, Indonesian weekly apologizes over Last Supper Suharto cover, viewed 4 November 2008, <>

Schriver, K. A, 1997, Chapter 6: The interplay of words and pictures, Dynamics in document design : creating texts for readers, Wiley Computer Pub, New York, pp. 361-441

Freedom of Speech in Blog

Freedom of the speech is defined as speak or write without censorship and freely. (Wikipedia 2008)

According to Article 12.a of the Universal Islamic Declaration of Human Right which states that: -
“Every person has the right to express his thoughts and beliefs so long as he remains within the limits prescribed by the Law. No one, however, is entitled to disseminate falsehood or to circulate reports that may outrage public decency, or to indulge in slander, innuendo, or to cast defamatory aspersions on other persons”. (Chin Thye Choo 2008)

Raja Petra Kamarudin was arrested under Internal Security Act on September 12, 2008 for allegedly being a threat to security, peace and public order. (MalaysiaKini 2008) He is 58-year-old and as an editor of popular news portal Malaysia Today.This is second time under arrest with ISA for comments allegedly insulting Islam and Prophet Muhammad. Fist time is charged with sedition and defamation. He is charged under Section 73(1) of the ISA, is alleged to have posted articles deemed seditious and that also belittle Islam. (Malaysiadigest 2008)

( Image by: Susan Loone)

According to Internal Security Act 1960, ISA is an act to provide for the internal security of Malaysia, preventive detention, the prevention of subversion, the suppression of organized violence against persons and property in specified areas of Malaysia, and for matters incidental thereto. ( Legal Research Board 2005)

Several religious groups which are Malaysian Islamic Development Department (Jakim), Yayasan Dakwah Islamiah Malaysia (Yadim), Federal Territory Islamic Religious Council (Maiwp) and Federal Territory Religious Department (Jawi) had lodged police report against him. The groups complained his comment in an article entitled "I Promise to be a good, non-hypocritical Muslim" allegedly used sentences that insulted Muslims. (MalaysiaToday 2008)

In Malaysia, as a journalist working must be careful of the freedom of speech and especially is related to religion because of the question who decides what constitutes freedom of speech and what does not.


Wikipedia 2007, Define Freedom of speech, viewed 29 October 2008, <>

Knol 2008, Freedom of speech in Malaysia, viewed 29 October 2008, <>

MalaysiaKini 2008, Raja Petra arrested under ISA, viewed 29 October 2008, <>

Malaysiadigest 2008, Raja Petra Kamarudin, Teresa Kok and Ta Hoon Cheng Detained Under ISA, viewed 29 October 2008, <>

Legal Research Board 2005, Internal Security Act 1960, International Law Book Services, Malaysia.

MalaysiaToday 2008, Raja Petra’ Arrested Under ISA, viewed 29 October 2008, <>

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Online design vs. print design

According to Robyn Penman (1998), a document’s functionality is dependent on its structure matching readers’ habits, expectations, and context of use.

Audience, purpose and contexts should also be made as priority as good document design not only attracts readers but also engage and encourage readers to be involved with the organisation itself. (Walsh 2006, p.34) In print, reading is linear and sequential reading pathway. In the online provides a non-linear reading pathway, which means that reader has freedom to choice what they want to read. (Walsh 2006, p.35)

Nielsen (2007) explain that people read 25 percent slower online and therefore, the contents presented online has to be half as short compare with print material. Therefore design is play an important role in both materials, which is online material and print.


In print material, newspaper designer use the heading to attract people stay and continue read the article. In addition, picture work with word to add interest so that reader wouldn’t feel bore. The content must be more in-depth compare with online news. Beside that, limits the amount of “white space” around the text to makes page look “overflowing” and cramped. (The library company, 2007)

( Source: The Star Newspaper)

In online, 79% of users scan the page instead of reading word-for-word. Reader read online in F-pattern. They first read in a horizontal movement across the top part of the content. So the first two paragraphs must state the important information and follow by unimportant. It also called as Inverted Pyramid. For the purpose to easy scan or read the content designer use the subheading, paragraph, and bullet point with carry out the information words. In addition, use the hyperlink to link with other webpage to make the webpage become more interesting. (Nielsen, 1997)

( Source: The star online)


Walsh, M 2006, The ‘textual shift’: Examining the reading process with print, visual and multimodal texts, Australian Journal of Language and Literacy, vol. 29, no. 1, pp. 24-37.

Nielsen, J 2007, Writing for Web, viewed 27 October 2008,<>

Nielsen, J 2006, F-Shaped Pattern For Reading Web Content,, viewed 27 October 2008, <>

Nielsen, J 1997, Be Succinct! (Writing for the Web),, viewed 28 October2008, <>

Nielsen, J 1997, How Users Read on the Web,, viewed 28 October 2008, <>

IPD readings From Course reader.

Monday, November 10, 2008

Type of blog

Different types of blogs, the differing not only in the type of blog but is in the way of delivered or written the content. Several blog is by media type. That is vlog, linklog, sketchblog or photoblog. The moblog or mobile blog is blog by device. A moblog is consists of content posted to the Internet from a mobile phone or Personal digital assistant (PDA). Blog by genre is some blog focus on a particular subject such as political blogs, travel blogs, house blogs, fashion blogs, project blogs, education blogs, niche blogs, classical music blogs or dreamlogs. (Wikipedia, 2008)

Many blogs are combinations of style, which makes identifying unique types difficult. The blogs have different type of topic, style, format, and audience. A reading of taxonomy of blogs is show that different blogs have different function, form, format, topic and audience. (The media report, 2008) In this reading show the Digest Blog just collects articles on the issue from mainstream media with a very small piece of analysis compare with Wikipedia is the same concept. People can easily edit the content so that the content are become not so accuracy.

Blogging Communities

Communities from around this shared interest, and the stronger groups turn that interest into a passion. Create a blogging communities is important. The three step of creating blog community, which is basic configuration, set theme and modules. (WriteNiche, 2006) Blog based community shows up in three main patterns, which are The Single Blog/Blogger Centric Community, the Central Connecting Topic Community and the Boundaried Community. (The Knowledge Tree, 2006)

Different type of blog has different type of blogging communities. Here discuss about the political communities. For example,
Rocky’s bru is one of the political blog. In this blog is share lot of information of the politic and share same interest with people.


Wikipedia 2008, Blog Types, viewed 28 October 2008,<>

Write Niche 2006, How to create a Blogging Community, viewed 28 October 2008, <>

The Media Report 2008, A taxonomy of blogs, viewed 28 October 2008, <>

The Knowledge Tree 2006, Blogs and community, viewed 27 October 2008, <>

Monday, November 3, 2008

Blogging Phenomenon

Nowadays blog is a global trend. But, what is the blog? Blogs, originally a part of the word ‘weblog’, is defined by the Webster's New Millennium Dictionary of English as ‘an online diary; a personal chronological log of thoughts published on a Web page’. (Blogging-The Phenomenon) Blog as the current phenomenon in the global and the size of blogosphere is continue increase. One of the defining attributes of the “blogosphere” is the sheer number of blogs that users have published. (comScore Networks, Inc. 2005) The chart below by Technorati shows the size of blogsphere in the last 90 days.

The blogging trend of the Europe and Asia in Blogsphere, there is blogs dealing with business, technology and politics. The political blogosphere is very active in Sweden and many of the most influential bloggers are active political debaters. (
Twingly Blog, 2008) According to Window Live Report, the Asian bloggers are primarily driven by the need to express themselves and share their lives with family andfriends. (Ramadass, V 2006) While in India the blogosphere with a large majority of online users reading blogs to stay informed about world events. Beside that they enjoy reading about technology. (Sandeep Dikshit, 2006) In an online survey on the blogosphere in Malaysia, Blogging Malaysia: A Windows Live Report found that overwhelming majority (81%) Malaysia’s bloggers are primarily blogging for entertainment and to share their lives with family and friends. (Press Microsoft Malaysia, 2006)

We know that blog has several types such as personal blogs, collaborative blogs, corporate blogs, topical blogs, spam blogs (splogs), moblog and political, and photologs (
Blogging-The Phenomenon). In Europe, Asia and Malaysia, personal blog and corporate blog are prevalent.

The benefits of blogs to the community is can share their interest, get more information and make people become closely.

Blogging-The Phenomenon, What are blogs, viewed 25 October 2008, <>

ComScore Networks, Inc. 2005, Behaviours of the blogosphere: understanding the scale, composition and activities of weblog audiences, viewed 30 April 2008, <>, 2008, The size of blogosphere, viewed 25 October 2008, <>

Twingly Blog, First political party to use Twingly blogstream, viewed 25 Octoberl 2008, <>

Ramadass, V 2006, ‘Blogging phenomenon sweeps Asia’, 28 November, Lowyat.NET: Malaysia’s Tech Enthusiast Resource Community, viewed 26 October 2008, <>

Dikshit, S 2006, ‘Interesting blogging trends in India revealed in new survey’, Hindu 28 November, viewed 25 October2008, <>

Press Microsoft Malaysia 2006, Women rule in Malaysian blogosphere, viewed 25 October 2008, <>

Blogging-The Phenomenon, Types of blogs, viewed 26 October 2008, <>.