Wednesday, November 12, 2008

The power of photograph

Photographer is the only use the camera to capture everything in the live includes bad and good. Photographer was the one in the frontline when in war; he was the one felt, smelt and touched the story. ( 2008) The photograph was capture in full emotion of the photographer.

Reader can read the photograph because the photograph can tell a story. For example, the photograph below is telling reader that the child is almost die cause no food to eat and the vulture in behind of the child is wait the child die and become its food. This photograph is stock whole world.

(Source: Kevin Carter)
The photograph is more impressive than words. ( 2008) In those photograph below, when look into the eyes of the children can feel that they’re very terrified and very afraid.


In newspaper may not see those photograph because of editors select what they want public see. When turn to photograph is cover conflict, it telling the world about violence, war and injustice in many place. ( 2008)
(Source: Oded Balilty)

The photograph above is a lone Jewish woman defying Israeli security forces as they remove illegal settlers in the West Bank. (World’s famous photo 2007) Photograph is to tell the truth story happening in the corner of the world and to make people more aware of these conflicts.

The model of Hypodermic needle model holds that an intended message is directly received and wholly accepted by the receiver. (Wikipedia 2008) This model is absolute fit to photograph.

The power of photograph is very strong. It is communication tool to communicate with people for telling the true story. The photograph has impact on people.

References: 2008, The power of the photograph, viewed 5 October 2008, <>

World’s famous photo 2007, The power of one [2007], viewed 5 October 2008,

Wikipedia 2008, Hypodermic needle model, viewed 5 October 2008, <>

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